Madelene Andre
Portland, Oregon
More Kind Words
Shaylin T ~ Santa Rosa, CA
Fourteen months ago I walked out of my GP’s office terrified because my total cholesterol was 477. My LDL was in the 300’s. My doctor wanted to put me on statins immediately.
Instead, I contacted a local naturopathic office and after hearing my story they recommended Dr. Chong. He ordered new blood work for not only cholesterol but also certain inflammation markers along with scans to check my artery/heart health. The result from the blood tests confirmed high cholesterol and my inflammation markers were also troubling.
Dr Chong laid out a very simple plan that included a diet change to WFPB/no added oils, a multi vitamin and encouraged me to explore scientific nutritional education from a variety of sources.
Four months later we redid my blood work and my numbers have dropped from a total 477 to 188. Amazing.
I continue to meet with Dr Chong every few months to check blood work and thanks to his clear, thoughtful scientific approach I am enjoying continued cardiovascular improvement.
Siro S ~ Boston, MA
Dr. Chong is one of the best doctors I have ever worked with.
First, he is a great communicator. He takes the time to answer each question you have and explain every test result, why each is important, and how each plays a major role in our health.
Second, he is super knowledgeable. He was able to correctly diagnose a skin rash over video impressing my dermatologist completely. He asked for specific blood and urine tests as well as other tests to not only get an accurate assessment of my health but to properly plan a protocol going forward.
Lastly, he does not overload you with supplements. Some naturopathic doctors will drown you with supplements and it is never ending. Dr. Chong only will recommend specifics and encourages you to obtain nutrition through food, like nature intended.
Dr. Chong is a compassionate man who is super knowledgeable and cares about the health and welfare of his patients.
If you are looking for honest answers to better your life, Dr. Chong has my highest recommendation.
My family and I are extremely grateful for him!
Sylvia E ~ Vancouver, WA
Dr. Chong has created an excellent program that highlights his knowledge of the causes, underlying symptoms, prevention and strategies for treatment/reversal of cardiovascular disease..... I am impressed by his high standards, excellent analysis and commitment to eliminating cardiovascular disease.
Kelli A ~ Florida
I had a heart attack at 46. I felt like I didn’t have control over my own life. I found Dr Chong and he taught me how to take control. He has hours and hours of informative audio that I have access to at anytime. Dr Chong is the most patient and caring Dr that not only helped me lower my cholesterol, get off of heart burn meds, helped me with my anxiety by sending me videos, taught me what to eat and give me recipes to make it more enjoyable. He has forever changed my life.